
micro:bit Fundamental Course--Button & Display

In our last blog “ Start Your micro:bit Programming Trip ”, we have talked about the basic operation method of Microsoft Makecode. In the following articles, we will teach you some fundamental functions of blocks one by one.

Our Purpose

To know basic usage of Makecode through studying buttons and blocks.


micro:bit × 1
USB Cable × 1
On micro:bit, there are 5*5 LED metric dot display and 2 buttons. And today we are going to learn how to use button and LED display together.

Our requirement

Press down a button to display its relative direction. Press 2 buttons together for clearing the display.


Step 1

Drag out block “on button pressed” from Input column and set the button to be “A”.
Under block “on button A pressed”, we insert block “show arrow”, which can make micro:bit to display directions with arrow. And here we set direction to be “west”.

Step 2

Choose block “on button pressed”, cope and paste it. Then set button to be “B” and direction to be “East”.

Step 3

Drag out block “on button pressed” from Input column again and set the button to be “A+B”.
Insert “clear screen” into this block.

Step 4

In the left analog window, we can check analog operation. Click Virtual button on Micro:bot to check our program.

Step 5

After confirmation, download program into micro:bit.
Link of the whole program: https://makecode.microbit.org/_UWfD1g4pud5L


If we want to use character string to display “west” and “east”, then how to edit our program ?




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